Session at Art Institute Melly Rotterdam NL. Participants Jessica de Abreu, Mitchell Esajas, Munganyende Hélène Christelle, Iris Kensmil, Jessy Koeiman, Djuwa Mroivili, Grace Ndjako, Lady Shaynah, Aqueene Wilson Opening ‘Some of My Souls’ at Art Institute Melly Rotterdam
Poster for “Nieuw Licht, het Rijksmuseum en de Slavernij”In cooperation with Haller-Brun I created the poster for this film of Ida Does, production Memphis film & NTR, DOP Jurgen Lisse, composer Ronald Snijders, title song Sabrina Starke
before my installation: The New utopia begins her #2 404 x 471 cm @ Museum of Art, Haifa Opening Women Make History. Feminism in the Age of TransnationalismHaifa Museum of Art on December 21, 2019
Venice 08 maggio 2019 © foto di Simone Ferraro Secretary of State Ms Van Engelshoven and Iris Kensmil before 'Beyond the Burden of Representation' The Measurement of Presence, Venice Biennale 2019See Works